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Memorial Day Cookout Ideas

11 May 2016

Memorial Day is on May 30th, and is a federal holiday honoring all those who have lost their lives serving in the United States armed forces. Many businesses close to observe the holiday and many will have a full day to celebrate those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.


Many people have cookouts to commemorate the day with their families. Here are 5 dishes to include in your cookout that are both delicious and good for your teeth.



With their festive red color and sweet summer taste, a bowl of strawberries is always a great cookout addition.


The fruit is full of vitamin C, which helps the body maintain and repair bones and teeth, and full of potassium, which helps keep bones strong.

Bowl of strawberries on glass dish with blue stars and American flag in background


Unfortunately, strawberries are also highly acidic. Acidic foods break down the enamel of your teeth if you eat them too frequently and don’t properly clean your teeth.


To minimize the acid’s effect, put the strawberries in a spinach salad, pairing the acidic fruit with food that’s low in acid and sugar.


Cheese Tray

The calcium found in cheese helps rebuild your tooth enamel. The act of chewing cheese also stimulates saliva flow, helping rinse your mouth of food particles and harmful acids on your teeth.

The best choices to put on your cheese tray are hard, aged cheeses. These include:

  • Cheddar
  • Aged Gouda
  • Asiago
  • Parmesan
  • Cheshire
  • Gruyere
  • Dry Jack
  • Leicester
  • Parmigiano Reggiano
  • Swiss



Red meat is a great source of phosphorus, which helps calcium maximize its enamel-strengthening benefits.


If you like cheese on your burger, add a couple of slices of aged cheddar to your burger for added calcium.


Spatula holding cheeseburger of grill with flames cooking 3 other patties with cheese



If you’re not a fan of red meat, opt for grilled salmon. Fatty fish, like salmon and trout, also have phosphorus.


However, these types of fish also contain omega-3 fatty acids. Some studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids help reduce your risk of periodontal disease because they help reduce inflammation (inflamed gums are a sign of periodontal disease).


Veggie Tray

A tray full of crunchy carrots and fresh celery is a great way to deliciously protect your teeth. Their abrasive texture enables them to gently scrub your teeth.


Because they’re crunchy foods, they generate a lot of saliva, which helps neutralize some of the bacteria in your mouth and wash away harmful acids on your teeth.




When choosing beverages to serve, make sure you include water that’s preferably from the tap. This will ensure that the water contains fluoride, a mineral that helps rebuild and strengthen enamel. If you eat anything sticky or acidic, wash it down with a glass of fresh water; this will help neutralize the acid and reduce your risk of tooth decay.


Most importantly, remember to maintain a good dental care routine. Brush your teeth twice a day, floss once a day, and visit the dentist every six months for professional teeth cleaning.


We at Greenspoint Dental thank all those who have served, who are serving, and who will serve this country. We also thank the families of our armed forces for their sacrifice as well.


For more suggestions about food that’s good for your dental health or to schedule a dental appointment, contact Greenspoint Dental in Houston, Texas. We are dedicated to providing you and your loved ones with the best dental care.

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