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Spotlight on Dr. Bosse’s Charity: Women Smiling at the Future

14 Mar 2013

Did you know that Dr. Bosse volunteers his time and talents to helping women at a local shelter? It’s true: Almost four years ago, Dr. Bosse started an organization to provide dental work to women at The Women’s Home. He named his organization Women Smiling at the Future and recruited five other dentists to volunteer their time and expertise alongside Dr. Bosse to help women who have been abused, addicted to drugs or alcohol, or suffered from homelessness.

One afternoon a month, a group of women from the shelter come to Greenspoint Dental, where Dr. Bosse and his staff perform dental screenings and develop treatment plans.

“The women in this program are always excited to go to the dentist,” Dr. Bosse said. “Women Smiling at the Future enables these women to leave their past behind. I had one patient who told me that every time she looked in the mirror before her treatment, her damaged teeth would remind her of the bad times in her life. Once we helped her achieve a new, beautiful smile, she was able to forget the bad times and start anew. This program has given me so many stories like that one.”

The treatment plans developed by the Greenspoint Dental staff can include fillings, root canals, crowns, full and partial dentures and the removal of damaged teeth.

To learn how you can help the women Dr. Bosse serves, visit the website for The Women’s Home. To schedule an appointment with our compassionate dentist, call us today.

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