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Rinse, Gargle then Spit: There is more to Mouthwash than You Know

13 Aug 2014

People from all over the world incorporate mouthwash in their daily oral routine; however, how much do you really know this oral hygiene product? To help you further understand what mouthwash is and what it can do for your teeth, here are some of the most common misconceptions that people have about this rinsing agent.

Myth #1: Mouthwashes are created equal.

For your information, not mouthwash products that are available today will have the same effect on your oral health. There are actually different types of mouthwash today– the two most common of which are cosmetic and therapeutic. When you use cosmetic mouthwash, you will be able to reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth, bad breath will also be lessened and the bits of food in your mouth are loosened. On the other hand, the therapeutic type contains ingredient like fluoride, chlorhexidine and cetylpyridinium chloride. These ingredients benefit your oral health because these have the ability to fight off cavities and reduce the plaque in your teeth.

Myth #2: Mouthwash can do no harm.

For your information, there are type of mouthwash products actually contain high amounts of alcohol. When you use this type, dry mouth is expected. In turn, this helps promote bad breath. Ironic, isn’t it? For your information, there are actually types of mouthwash products that are free of alcohol. In addition to this, mouthwash products contain other ingredients that may produce harmful effects. This is why it is highly recommended that you use mouthwash products only in moderation.

Myth #3: Mouthwash can be a good substitute for brushing.

It is true that rinsing with mouthwash can lead to reduced bacteria in the mouth. However, most dentists would claim that its effect will not last for the whole day. Teeth cleansing and brushing must still be done. If you wish to remove debris and plaque in the teeth, brushing and flossing is more recommended than using only a mouthwash. It is true that mouthwash can help in improving oral health. However, you should understand the fact that it is just meant to be an add-on– a supplementary treatment and not a treatment itself.

Myth #4: Mouthwash is solely just for the mouth.

A lot of people tend to use mouthwash only on their mouth. While this is obvious, you must understand the fact that mouthwash can be used for other purposes too. For example, it can also be used for cleaning and sanitizing other dental accessories such as braces, retainers, mouth guards and a whole lot more.

Myth #5: A little swish is already more than enough.

It is true that mouthwash products can sting.. A LOT! Because of this, people tend to use it just for a while thinking that it is already more than enough. For your information, the mouthwash must come in contact with the mouth tissues for at least 30 seconds before it will take effect.

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