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Facebook Campaign Ends in $160 Donation

9 Oct 2012

Here at Greenspoint Dental we are proud to announce that our September Facebook campaign raised $160 for the Mercer Arboretum and Botanic Gardens.

On the first of September, we promised that for every one new “like” our Facebook page received during the month, we’d donate $1 to the Mercer Arboretum. 160 likes later, we feel like our campaign has been very successful. Thanks to everyone who liked our page and shared our flyers!

If you haven’t been to the Mercer Arboretum yet, it’s really worth your time to set aside a Saturday afternoon and go visit. Mercer stretches over 325 acres and is open to the public every day from 8 to 5.

The east side of the park has some of the most fantastic gardens in Texas and is home to a number of endangered plant species. The west side is perfect for picnicking and has several acres of preserved woodlands and walking trails. Also be sure to check out the cypress swamp and boardwalk which kids are sure to enjoy.

At Greenspoint Dental, we believe it’s important to support and preserve the Mercer Arboretum and Botanic Gardens for this current generation of Houstonians and for many generations to come. We hope you agree!

If you’re new to the area and need a Houston dentist, contact Greenspoint Dental and set up an appointment today.

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