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Tooth Fairy Earnings Up 15%

4 Oct 2012

Economic conditions in the U.S. are improving for at least one segment of the population—children who receive money from the Tooth Fairy. A study released by Visa shows that the Tooth Fairy is leaving an average of $3.00 per tooth this year, as compared to $2.60 in 2011.

A spokesperson for the Tooth Fairy greeted the news with enthusiasm.

“We always try and do what’s best for our kids. In tough times we make the necessary cuts, but now that things are looking up, we’ve decided that leaving more for kids is the right thing to do.”

In 2010, the Tooth Fairy came under investigation when a coalition of irate fifth graders accused the magical figure and their parents of insider trading. The case was dropped, however, when the fifth graders went to recess. Their parents still maintain that they have “absolutely no earthly idea whatsoever” how the money gets under their children’s pillows.

According to the authors of the Visa study, however, the Tooth Fairy isn’t out of hot water yet. Earning disparities are looking bleak, with the top 8% of children receiving more than $5 per tooth while the bottom 3% are left with less than a dollar.

Tooth Fairy advocates are quick to point out that the dollar amount isn’t nearly as important as the wondrous joy a child gets from interacting with a magical creature. Baby teeth advocate groups aren’t giving up though.

“We will continue to demand fair compensation for our teeth,” said a third grader under the jungle gym. “And we are willing to throw temper tantrums until we succeed.”

Here at Greenspoint Dental, we wish the best for the Tooth Fairy and the millions of kids she serves. If you’re looking for a Houston pediatric dentist, contact Greenspoint Dental today to set up an appointment.

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