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Law Restricts Tooth Whitening Use in Europe

7 Nov 2012

A new law from the European Union placing restrictions on tooth whitening procedures recently went into effect. The law, an amendment to the EU directive concerning cosmetic products, places a cap on the maximum amount of hydrogen peroxide released by a tooth whitening treatment at 6%. The law further restricts the sale of tooth whitening products that release hydrogen peroxide at a rate of .1% – 6% to licensed dental practitioners who offer tooth whitening as a part of their practice. The purpose of the law is twofold. On one hand, it is designed to reduce the risk of damage to teeth and gums that could result from the use of a tooth whitening product releasing more than 6% hydrogen peroxide.The law is also intended to ensure that all tooth whitening procedures performed with a significant amount of hydrogen peroxide released are overseen by someone with the training and knowledge required to make sure the treatment is carried out safely and effectively. The reasoning behind the law is understandable: tooth whitening treatments offered by outside sources can be ineffective, dangerous, or both. Despite the plethora of self-administered tooth whitening cares advertised on the market, the safest, most effective method of tooth whitening is offered by your dentist. Store bought trays simply can’t offer the safety and efficacy of  custom-made bleaching trays available from Greenspoint Dental . If you want safe, effective tooth whitening, contact Greenspoint Dental today to take advantage of our teeth whitening special, available for a limited time only!

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