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‘Tis the Season for Family Bonding

25 Dec 2015

There is something special about Christmas morning. Your children wake up before the sun to run downstairs and shake you awake. Present opening lasts 20 minutes even though there are what seems like 100 presents under the tree.

Whatever your holiday traditions may be, we all share a common activity of family bonding. The time we take to bond with those we love, be it family by blood or by soul, is what keeps us strong as individuals throughout the year.

This type of bond accounts for more than just familial relations. A true bond will last for decades, holding things together to use each other’s strength for mutual support. A similar bond is created for deteriorating teeth.

When one of your teeth suffers a major loss due to infection and decay, there is a way to get it back on its feet through the support of it’s fellow tooth neighbors. In hard times, a dental bond connects two or three teeth in order to share the strength of a healthy tooth with one that is less fortunate.

Creating a bond with another tooth not only saves one from being completely destroys but strengthens both against future decay.


What Are Dental Bonds?

A dental bond is a plastic, adhesive material that is used to cover discoloration or decay.


Why Do You Need a Dental Bond?

There are cosmetic and medical reasons for getting dental bonds. Some bonds are used to fill holes in the teeth that are from decay, also known as cavities or caries. Chipped or cracked teeth can be restored by dental bonds. If you want your teeth to look longer, reshaped, or whiter, bonds can save those cosmetic needs. An exposed root or excessive gum recession can be repaired by using the material to fill the whole as well as connect it to other teeth to keep it strong.

Sometimes all you need is a good support system to get you back to your old self, and teeth feel just the same. Many dentists prefer this method for smaller, less intrusive procedures as for cosmetic or small cavity purposes.

If you or someone you know is has a cavity, wants to get rid of tooth discoloration, or wants to fix that gap in their teeth, contact Greenspoint Dental in Houston, Texas to set up an appointment.

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