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What to Expect During Your Dentist Appointment

18 Oct 2013

If you haven’t been to the dentist in a while or you’re just now realizing how important it is to take care of your teeth you may be nervous or anticipating your next dental visit. However, I can honestly say you have nothing to worry about. The point of going to the dentist is to get your teeth fixed, cavities filled and gums checked. So if they find anything wrong, their job is to fix it. This is all for your benefit, so instead of worrying about going to the dentist, be happy that you are on the path to great oral health.
  • check up, dentist appointmentWhen you go to the dentist for the first time expect to have a short chat with your dentist about what you want done or any problems you are having.
  • Depending on your situation, your dentist may have to take x-rays which allows your dentist to go more in depth and really see if there are any problems below the surface. Getting x-rays may seem scary but it is very common and not painful in anyway.
  • For a full mouth overview your dentist may poke or prod your teeth. This may seem unsettling but it is mainly to check for any soft or decayed areas in your teeth. At this point they will also check your gums for any sign of disease.
  • You can also expect to get your teeth properly cleaned. This is probably the best part because they will scrape off plaque and leave you with a gleaming bright smile.


Arrive ten to fifteen minutes early so you can sign in and fill out any necessary medical history questionnaires. Take note of anything bothering you in regards to your teeth or gums, that way you can ask any questions or let them know of any problems you are having. Going to the dentist is a regular part of life that is just as important in regards to your health as going to the doctor. Try to schedule an appointment every six months to best take care of your oral health. Contact Greenspoint Dental for any questions you have or to schedule your next dental appointment.

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