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5 Common Dental Myths About Teeth

29 Feb 2016


The most important elements of a healthy dental routine are brushing twice a day, flossing once a day, and visiting the dentist every 6 months. There are many common beliefs about teeth and dental health that can be misleading. From baby teeth to aspirin, these commonly-shared dental beliefs have been proven untrue.


Baby Teeth Aren’t Important

Many people believe that baby teeth aren’t important because they will eventually fall out to make room for the permanent teeth. However, baby teeth are incredibly important; they act as placeholders.




The baby teeth in children’s mouths act as guides to help develop and maintain proper structure of their mouths. If you help your children develop a healthy dental routine early on in their development, they’ll be more likely to continue good oral care.


All of My Wisdom Teeth Have to Be Removed

Removing wisdom teeth may seem like a rite-of-passage to becoming a young adult, but it’s not always required. Every mouth is different and a dentist will recommend whether or not you should have your wisdom teeth removed.


If it’s expected that your wisdom teeth will grow incorrectly or damage other teeth around them, your dentist will recommend that you have them removed. However, if your wisdom teeth are expected to grow in normally and don’t cause any trouble, it’s fine to leave them in. A dental professional will provide you with the best advice on whether or not you should ditch your back molars.


Whiter Teeth Are Healthier Teeth

Whiter teeth do not guarantee healthier teeth. Every person’s teeth differ in shade and while you do want a whiter shade, some people naturally have darker teeth that are just as healthy. A set of pearly whites can be deceiving; whitening products do not clean teeth but simply improve the appearance of teeth. In order to maintain healthy teeth, brush your teeth twice a day, floss once a day, and visit the dentist every six months.


Tooth Sensitivity Means You Have Decay

If your teeth are unusually sensitive to hot and cold foods and drinks, it may be a sign that you have a cavity. However, it could be the result of other dental problems.



A sensitive tooth can indicate that your gum lines are receding. Poor dental care or brushing your teeth too hard are factors that can result in receding gums. If your enamel is weakening, you may experience tooth sensitivity. Toothpaste and mouthwashes with fluoride can help strengthen and rebuild your enamel.


Sugar is the Main Cause of Tooth Decay

While sugar can lead to tooth decay, it is not the root cause of decay. Harmful bacteria in your mouth feed on sugars and other carbohydrates (including foods like vegetables), creating acids that break down tooth enamel.


This type of bacterial infection, if untreated, leads to decay and forms holes in teeth called cavities. If you don’t address teeth that have cavities, you risk experiencing painful decay and potential tooth loss.


The best way to take care of your teeth is to understand your teeth and know how to properly care for them. For more information or to schedule a dental appointment, contact Greenspoint Dental in Houston, Texas. We are dedicated to providing you and your loved ones with the best dental care.

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