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The Types of Teeth: What are they and how do they function?

8 Aug 2014

Our teeth don’t just contribute to our overall appearance.  It is important for our health and nutrition as well. The first stage of food absorption and processing happens inside the mouth. Our teeth are also responsible and have contributions in the way we speak. Notice how when people grow old and lose their teeth, their speech changes dramatically. Even those who are using false teeth have difficulties with enunciation.

This article will help us know the 4 different types of teeth and their function. It will help us give importance to the teeth that help us to chew and speak.

The Types of Teeth

  1. Incisors. Have you noticed the 4 pieces of teeth at the front of your mouth? You use them for takings bites. They are the first teeth to indulge in whatever you are eating or if unfortunately if you are biting someone. These 8 pieces if teeth – 4 at the bottom and 4 at the top row are the first teeth to erupt during your infanthood. They usually erupt at 6 months.
  2. Canines. Canines are the teeth depicted by vampires as sharp piercing teeth. In humans (in reality), they are really the sharpest because they are used for tearing food especially those which are fibrous, hard, and meaty. It generally erupts at between sixteen to twenty months.
  3. Premolars. They are also known as bicuspids. They are used for chewing food. They called the grinding teeth because they are used to break up food into much smaller pieces so that when you swallow it, you won’t get choked. You have 4 premolars on each side of your mouth and they appear at the age of 10.
  4. Molars. Appear at 12 and 15 months. They are soon replaced by the first and second permanent molars.
  5. Third Molars. Many people have cursed the third molars for the pain they have given during their stage of eruption. It is the most painful part of tooth growth. Some even have days of fever because of the pain that it causes. Crowding usually happens when third molar grows which warrants for surgical removal. Luckily, other people don’t develop third molars at all.

By knowing that there are different kinds of teeth and they all have different function, you will understand the importance of each. Don’t just focus on brushing your incisors, there are molars which need some brushing too or else you will invite cavity and bacteria to reside on those areas. Molars are the most prone to tooth decay and problems because they are situated in hard to read areas but if you will just pay attention to them every time you brush your teeth, you can say good bye to cavities. Let’s all take care of our teeth and mouth through regular brushing, avoiding smoking, and using mouthwash.

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