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Most Common Dental Symptoms

1 Apr 2014

A little pain or sensitivity here. A little redness or swelling there. Most people will experience some sort of dental discomfort at some point in their lives. While some symptoms are less painful than others and easier to work around, you should never let any of the following go untreated or unaddressed. It’s always safer to speak with your dentist about what you’re experiencing and have them take a look at it. Listed below are some of the most commonly experienced symptoms:kids-brushing-greenspoint

  • Toothache– Any sort of ache or pain emanating from a tooth is usually indicative of a more serious issue. Toothache usually accompanies a cavity or chipped tooth, but can also be caused by issues with the gums, like gingivitis. Sometimes the only sign of an abscessed or impacted tooth is toothache. It’s important that you have a dentist look at the tooth to determine the cause of pain. Sometimes there’s risk of the tooth dying, making it all the more important to not leave you pain unaddressed.

  • Sensitive teeth– This is another sort of tooth pain. While the pain of a toothache may be exacerbated by extreme temperatures or pressure, there should still be an “ache” without any of these factors. Tooth sensitivity is a pain that is only felt when there are these kinds of factors. Tooth sensitivity can mean many things, from worn enamel to tooth decay.

  • Bleeding gums– The most common reason for bleeding or red gums that appear irritated is gingivitis. Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease, and is completely reversible. To combat gingivitis you must better attend to your oral hygiene habits. That means brushing thoroughly twice a day and flossing at least once everyday, between every tooth. Your dentist can give you some pointers on how to improve technique if you are keeping up with your oral hygiene and still experiencing issues with your gums.

  • Bad breath– We’re not talking about the kind of breath that follows a particularly garlic-y meal. Consistently bad breath could be a sign of a more serious issue, particularly serious gum disease. If you are a smoker, or experience chronic dry mouth you could also have persistent bad breath. Rule out other causes by being sure to strictly attend to your oral hygiene habits. If you are still having problems a dentist can help better pin down the cause of this pesky symptom.

  • Stained teeth– Very few people have naturally bright-white teeth without any treatment. In fact surface stains are considered a normal side effect of just daily living. However, there are some foods, drinks and habits that can cause more obvious staining. If you’re a coffee drinker or a smoker chances are you know what we’re talking about. Try swigging a little water after a dark soda, or cup of coffee to rinse off the surfaces of your teeth.

If you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms and would like to speak with a dentist about it, call Dr. Bosse of Greenspoint Dental today and schedule an appointment.

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