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Dental Health And Dementia: Caring For Your Loved Ones

4 Dec 2013

If you have a loved one who is experiencing some degree of dementia related symptoms then you may be concerned about their health and overall well-being. Whether you have hired help in offering your loved one care, or are issuing care yourself, you want to be sure that your loved one is fully attended to. However, because there are so many different aspects of health that must be attended to, maintaining proper oral hygiene is sometimes overlooked. Listed below are some tips intended to help you help a loved one with dementia, because dental health is always important.Oral-Health-As-you-age-Greenspoint-Dental-Houston

  • Offer clear and direct instruction when guiding a loved one through the tasks of caring for their teeth. Depending on the progression of dementia, sometimes just a reminder of a task that needs to be done is not enough, and can breed frustration. Instead offer steps: “Rinse the toothbrush,” “Squeeze toothpaste on the toothbrush.”

  • Supervise your loved one throughout the process.

  • If your loved one has dentures, be sure to maintain upkeep. Lightly brush dentures after meals and remove them every night for more thorough cleaning.

  • Your loved one may not be able to communicate any oral issues they are experiencing. You may need to do a daily check-up, looking for signs of infection or irritation.

  • Visiting the dentist may be more difficult with a loved one with dementia, but it is no less important. Try to make regular visits, and speak to your dentist about ways you can make the trips smoother.

Call Dr. Bosse today of Greespoint Dental and rest assured that your care will bring your loved one healthy times!

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