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The Mouth and Body Link

6 Jun 2014

According to the 2000 edition of the US Surgeon General, a person with poor oral health is not healthy at all, no matter the status of the rest of his body. Dental care is perhaps one of the most unmet needs in the country, and because of these, tooth decay and gum diseases are prevalent through our lives. Plus, the older we get, the more we feel its effects. Adults who did not get a lot of fluoride growing up through their drinking water are more likely to develop cavities as they are deprived of fluoride’s benefits. Furthermore, unattended cavities can result in broken teeth, toothaches, infections, and the removal of teeth altogether.

Gum Diseases

The gums are a big aspect when it comes to our oral health. When infected, they can also loosen the hold on the teeth – and in the end resulting in tooth loss. Tooth loss leads to the difficulty in talking and eating more especially crunchy fruits and vegetables. Dentures may be a good solution for tooth loss, but if it does not fit well, then it may still be challenging to eat such kinds of food. As a result, we resort to easier-to-eat kinds of food, which are often fattening and sugar laden.

When tooth loss happens, our confidence and self-esteem may be affected as well. We become embarrassed when talking, smiling and we end up feeling bad about ourselves. As more adults age every day, they also are at a higher risk of tooth loss. What is also alarming is that adults who lose all of their teeth before the age of 65 are associated with an increased risk of death due to different kinds of conditions.

What’s even alarming about gum diseases is that they have not been just linked to heart conditions, but also with stroke, diabetes and obesity.


Saliva is another important aspect of oral health. Not only does saliva rinse the teeth, but also reduces the acids that are formed when the bacteria in our mouth reacts with the food we eat. A dry mouth is more prone to developing diseases, and so it is important to keep a steady flow of saliva within the mouth by hydrating more often, and by taking sugar free mints.

Some of the medications that adults take can also cause dry mouth. If you are ever taking steroids, antihistamines, blood pressure medications and antidepressants, then it is likely that you will have dry mouth.


Those who are bedridden and hospitalized may also develop pneumonia when they breathe bacteria from the mouth, and down to the lungs. By keeping the teeth clean, this problem can be immediately prevented

Oral Cancers

These are unfortunately, rather common among the elderly and usually have poor prognosis. An individual who smokes has an increased risk of this kind of cancer, as well as those in the lung and mouth. Consuming alcohol is also said to increase the risk.

For a comprehensive and professional check up, contact Greenspoint Dental for a consultation.

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